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handmade, ethical, sustainable

Just Luv It can pop up at your next party, fete or event – and we also collect old candles…

Candle Recycling

Did you know you can recycle candles? From tea lights to multi-burners, church pillars to birthday cake toppers, our suppliers The Recycled Candle Company based in Exeter take every scrap of wax, wick and container, and reuse them. No more landfill – in fact, a new lease of life!

To recycle your candle odds and ends, drop them off at our the box in one of our concessions, or hand them to me at my next pop-up.

Our concessions are in:

  • Harley Equestrian and Lifestyle, Woodford Holst
  • Forge Coffee, Culworth
  • The Vintage Guru, Northampton Town Centre


Would you like to host a party with a difference – or have a stall full of beautiful Just Luv It products at your next coffee morning, toddler group, school fete or garden party? A percentage anything sold will be given to you as the host – either to keep, or to donate to charity. Contact us to find out more.